Light source: 21 white LED which is high luminance, colour Temperature is optional
The drived part of the light source: the long-time light source is integration transistor.
Rated Voltage: AC 220V
Power Rating: 1.6W
Power Factor: 0.92~0.95
Average Life: 30000hrs
Such products economizing with high efficiency, recognized as the 3rd generation lighting sources in the world, the brightness of 14W LEd is equal to 40W fluorescent lamps. The efficiency of saving energy is evident.
Compared to Fluorescent lamps, LEd doesn't contain toxic substance, is more environmental protective, more healthy.
It only includes Ray, but without ultraviolet rays and infrared rays. Suitable for office, classrooms, workplaces to avoid eye strain and fatigue while protecting eyesight.
No sparking, free of explosion, without disturbance.
Super low energy consumption and super high power factor and efficiency to save power rate and energy. All the products are subject to the technical criteria of GB7000.1-2002 and GB7000.10-1999.